- 5kg of Pork Belly
- 400g Coarse Pink Maras Grilling Salt
- 5 Lt of tap water
- 2 large branches of fresh rosemary
- 2 large branches of fresh thyme
- Prepare the brine by dissolving 3500g of Maras Pink Coarse Grilling Salt in 5 liters of water, dissolve the salt well and let the pork rest from the night before until the next day.
- The next day, remove the pork from the brine, wash well to remove any traces of salt, dry and place on a tray.
- Grind the Coarse Pink Maras Grill Salt on top of the pork and place inside the Chinese Box with the skin side down, add the rosemary and thyme branches, close the Chinese box and cook for 1.5 hrs.
- Check cooking, turn the meat (skin side up) and cook for an additional 1.5 hours.
- Remove, cut and serve.